And then, "Achoo! ... sniff ... sniff ... ACH ... ah ... ah ... ah ... sigh." Look at the sun, ya dummy." What's that gonna ... ACHOO! ... oh." Connie?" asked Junior, "This just isn't right ... Company is a machine." Shadup! Coughcoughhackhack. I have a virual ... virus. I feel like shit! SNEEZE!! ... dumbuddy wipe dat up ... Take uds to Inja ... preez? I goin du bed." Why India? Why not China?" Are you crazy? Who wants to brede dat air? Nevis and St. Kids numbers are in the book. Oh Dod I feel. Many would no doubt refer to it as a character flaw. I prefer to think of it as a part of my charm. A few years ago I had the opportunity to take an early retirement. I jumped at it. Since I had the time I thought it only fair that I use some of that time to share my dirty mind, my gift for porn, with others.I'm not well educated. I certainly have no special talent when it comes to writing. But I seem to have tapped into the fantasies of a small but warped community out there that have been. Summer definitely knew how to excite and pleasure another woman, but that wasn’t shocking, given that she need only think of what she enjoyed and adjust for personal kinks and preferences. Summer certainly didn’t hold back with servicing her brother’s girlfriend, just as she didn’t with us men. She took pride in bringing others to the point of ecstasy.I had to admit that Barry’s ass was nice and tight, his enthusiasm for being pronged in the butt very thrilling for me, and his hip movements. There were three likely suspects and my friend Bob was one. I didn't associate the phone number with him and why he would slip it into my pocket was mystifying. I asked myself whether Bob was actually a closet gay? Was he trying to offer a new dimension to our relationship? We enjoyed talking about sex, but it was always from a heterosexual perspective. Did I find Bob attractive? Was I a repressed homosexual? Images of Bob naked reeled in my head. That time we shared a hotel room, I had always.
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